Initiatives for SDGs

What are SDGs?

SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are common global goals that aim to realize a sustainable and better society that "leaves no one behind."
It was included in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was agreed upon by all member states at the 2015 United Nations Summit. It consists of 17 goals and 169 targets, with a deadline of 2030.

What are SDGs?

Pureron Japan Group Co., Ltd. declares that it will aim for the following three of the 17 SDGs in order to realize the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
  • let's eliminate poverty
  • Quality education for everyone
  • Let's also protect the richness of the land

Examples of initiatives

Pureron Japan Group Co., Ltd. supports the "CoCoLo Project".
What is the CoCoLo project? It is a project that aims to realize a decarbonized society together with everyone through renewable energy and energy conservation.
  • Health and well-being for all
    Health and well-being for all
    The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi jointly selected us as a 2021 Health and Productivity Management Organization (Small and Medium Enterprise Category) as a company that practices excellent health and productivity management.
  • Providing safe water and toilets around the world
    Providing safe water and toilets around the world
    We sell a water purifier developed and manufactured in-house that uses a reverse osmosis membrane that can filter out harmful substances such as viruses and inorganic substances (arsenic, cadmium, etc.).
  • Energy for everyone and clean
    Energy for everyone and clean
    Recognizing that preserving the global environment is a top priority issue, we conduct our business activities with the highest priority on preserving a healthy global environment in all aspects of our business activities, such as installing solar power generation to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

Contact Us

PJ Co., Ltd. will respond to questions regarding products and sales. Please feel free to contact us.
Business hours 8:00-17:00